Friday, 20 April 2012

Program options in Mass Communication for graduate students

Mass communication field is one of the most coveted professions among youngsters. There are different media program offered at graduate level. Among them, B.A in Mass Communication is demanded most by students. This program provides you a comprehensive understanding of the Media Industry and imparts required professional skills. This program provides competencies in different fields of Media.
WLCI Media School offers programmes in Media Production for undergraduate students. After completion of program, students are awarded with an advance diploma fr4om Wigan & Leigh College UK and Higher National Diploma from Edexcel UK. The curriculum of media studies here is designed carefully consisting of lectures, films screenings, workshops, studio-based demonstrations, computer based exercises and practical exercises. Students are encouraged to experiment and innovate with different forms of communication and to express their selves and explore their creativity to the fullest. Besides, presentations and discussions form an essential part of our programmes and help you to gain confidence and develop your presentation skills.

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